We assist your scientific manuscript writing
in the following crucial ways:
Publish Flawless Scientific Manuscripts with the help of Bioscience Advising’s Reliable Biomedical Manuscript Writing Service.
At Bioscience Advising, we are home to a diverse panel of skilled writers and scientists with widespread experience in biomedical manuscript writing and publication. We effectively shoulder the responsibility of composing your scientific manuscripts by offering impeccable writing, editing, proofreading, and formatting services. We make sure your written scientific manuscript is comprehensive, compliant with journal policies, and presents the subject matter or substance of your research in a compelling manner.
Why Choose Bioscience Advising for Biomedical Manuscript Research and Writing Service?
Publishing scientific manuscripts is crucial for communicating research findings. Moreover, the age-old adage of "publish or perish" is true today as much as ever, remaining a critical factor in career promotion, grant funding, and even tenure, in academia. Conversely, recent surveys have shown that researchers work well over 50 hours per week, with much of that in teaching, administrative, and service activities, leaving minimal time for working in the laboratory or writing.
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To that end, scientific manuscript writing services can be invaluable, in a variety of ways. Not only do writing services save you time, but we at Bioscience Advising employ undistracted, full-time writers that specifically concentrate on your manuscript, thus producing a polished document that is ready for successful submission and peer review.
Additionally, Bioscience Advising employs PhD scientists, who themselves may even serve as peer reviewers.
Our Manuscript Writing Process
At Bioscience Advising, we administer an exhaustive scientific manuscript writing process, to maximize your chances for journal acceptance.
First, we provide you with an exact quote, and terms of service, for your protection (in addition to a legally binding non-disclosure agreement). You need only provide us with the figures and an overall outline of the manuscript.
Next, we greatly prefer to converse with you, making sure we are both "on the same page." From that point, in our writing services process, we draft the paper, preferably maintaining contact with you during this process. Depending on your preferences, we can make this process fully sharable with you at every stage of the work (e.g., Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.).
Finally, we format the manuscript for your desired journal, including references, numbers of words, abstract size, and a cover letter (if desired).
Andrew Schlehr
Atlanta, GA
I hired Bioscience Advising to prepare a SBIR grant application for my small business. Initially having no knowledge of how to prepare or submit a grant for review they were a huge supporting factor in my grant application success. They are results-oriented and often work beyond normal work hours. I believe the value much exceeds the actually fees. I can confidently say that I advocate all of their grant writing / preparation and editing services.
Writing Service Experts | Bioscience Advising
Curt Balch, PhD
At Bioscience Advising, we possess a long history of writing service expertise. Founder and CEO, Dr. Curt Balch has published over 40 peer-reviewed articles, in respected journals, and has operated the business for over one year.
Moreover, in addition to its other writing services, we written and achieved publication of over 20 articles, for differing clients, in journals such as Proceedings of the National Academy of Services, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Bioessays, Bioinformatics, Gut, Oncotarget, and Cancer Letters. We also possess writing service expertise in medical case reports, phase I/II clinical trials, and research funding applications.